Dark grey can also be nice: An Easter tale.
Dark grey can also be nice: An Easter tale. Manuel Ángel Santana Turégano, April 2022 Not everything that happens happens for a reason, but everything that survives survives for a reason (N. Taleb). Once you put your thoughts and feelings into words, once you write them, and other people read them, they are no longer yours. Or at least not yours alone. Even less if you express them in a language which is not yours. Though, really, who can claim “ this is (or is not) my language ? Nobody owns any language. Maybe my gift is that sometimes I can express my thoughts and feelings in ways that resonate with other people. Sometimes they feel connected, perhaps even inspired or uplifted. Maybe that is the justification of my life. There is a short tale by Jorge Luis Borges, the Argentinian writer, called “ Deutsches Requiem ”. I first read it in my adolescence, it now seems ages ago. Written as an autobiography, it tells the story of a high ranking Nazi official,...